Qi Shao


I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Huichan Zhao. I am a member of the THU Soft Robotics Research Group, where where I conduct research on soft actuators and bio-inspired robotic systems driven by soft actuators. My research focuses on dielectric elastomer artificial muscles, pneumatic elastomer actuators, and millipede-inspired multi-legged robots. Prior to my PhD studies, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Mechatronic Engineering from Northeast Forestry University.

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- Selected Publications (Full list available on [Google Scholar])

Long, Fibrous, and Tailorable Dielectric Elastomer Artificial Muscles via Mask-Free Stamping of Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

Qi Shao, Liang Zhou, Jingyi Zhou, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
Advanced Functional Materials, 2025.
[paper] [video]

Untethered Robotic Millipede Driven by Low-Pressure Microfluidic Actuators for Multi-Terrain Exploration

Qi Shao, Xuguang Dong, Zhonghan Lin, Chao Tang, Hao Sun, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 12142–12149, 2022.
[paper] [video]

Unearthing the History with A-RHex: Leveraging Articulated Hexapod Robots for Archeological Pre-exploration

Qi Shao, Qixing Xia, Zhonghan Lin, Xuguang Dong, Xin An, Haoqi Zhao, Zhangyi Li, Xin-Jun Liu, Wenqiang Dong*, Huichan Zhao*;
Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 206–218, 2025.
[paper] [video]

Portable, High-Frequency, and High-Voltage Control Circuits for Untethered Miniature Robots Driven by Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

Qi Shao, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025. (Accepted)
[preprint] [video]

An Anthropomorphic Musculoskeletal System with Soft Joint and Multifilament Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

Zhonghan Lin, Qi Shao, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 4, no. 10, p. 2200126, 2022.
[paper] [video]

Conformable and Compact Multiaxis Tactile Sensor for Human and Robotic Grasping via Anisotropic Waveguides

Jingyi Zhou, Qi Shao, Chao Tang, Fei Qiao, Tongqing Lu, Xiong Li, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 7, no. 11, p. 2200595, 2022.
[paper] [video]

A Pipeline Inspection Robot for Navigating Tubular Environments in the Sub-Centimeter Scale

Chao Tang, Boyuan Du, Songwen Jiang, Qi Shao, Xuguang Dong, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
Science Robotics, vol. 7, no. 66, p. eabm8597, 2022.
[paper] [video]

Monolithic Soft Fibrous Valves Capable of Generating Air Pressure Cutoff, Maintaining, and Oscillation for Pneumatic Systems

Zhonghan Lin, Qi Shao, Boyuan Du, Xin-Jun Liu, Huichan Zhao*;
Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 9, no. 8, p. 2301633, 2024.
[paper] [video]

Active-Cooling-in-the-Loop Controller Design and Implementation for an SMA-Driven Soft Robotic Tentacle

Xin An, Yafeng Cui, Hao Sun, Qi Shao, Huichan Zhao*;
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 2325-2341, 2023.
[paper] [video]

- Services

Journal Reviewer: T-RO, RA-L, Scientific Reports, etc.
Conference Reviewer: ICRA, IROS, etc.

Website template from Jon Barron.